Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Testimony I

In Garabandal, Bundan we said, "Pay attention given to the long Ekaristisemakin be on the wane." Garabanda through events, such as the Visible miracle host, Maria Bundan unrelenting menakankan the importance of the Eucharist.

As a Catholic, we know that the Holy Eucharist should be the center of our lives, even though sometimes felt empty and dry. Where we can perdalam faith and the Eucharist we experience?

One purpose of Pope John Paul II in preparing the third millennium of the Church is to help us become a better person for the Eucharist. The first step in achieving this goal is to improve the reception of communion. Second Vatican church council, several times, suggesting to the communion of each day or as often as possible, "Those who believe are recommended to receive the Holy Eucharist every day" (decree of the Catholic Church East region, "no. 15)

Yanbg in his book entitled "Frequent and Daily Communion Confession," Imam Jesuits Bertrand de Margerie revive welcome communion every day. This is a relationship of communion is the highest because the real evidence and signs that our relationship with Christ terdalam, who loves us and wants us to love Him also. Reception communion every day or as often as possible, to guide us towards humility, self-development and persistence in prayer.

Two major influences of the Holy Eucharist is the acceptance of love is greater in God and each other, and the remission of sins lightly. "Food with a daily Eucharist will bring changes in the family often with social life and career. Receiving communion as often as may be the biggest source of happiness and balance of our lives," said P. De Margerie.

Increase communion and holiness of each person to spread the activities in daily living that lead to social dialogue, justice, and growth. Love of Jesus will lead us to love a fellow human being. As our love for Jesus grow through daily communion, as well as our hearts desire to spread the Gospel and Christianity developed.

The influence of the Eucharist

How can we explain all the amazing impact of receiving communion in the Holy in our lives?

St. Catherine of Siena, penglihat-14 th century and Doctor of the Church, write a few chapters in his book "The Dialogue" to the mystery of the Eucharist. Chaterine, who lived for many years exclusively with only the Eucharist, encouraging us to receive communion as often as possible, and to guide us so that communion can be helpful in our spiritual life. He describes the quality of 4. or attributes that help deepen our acceptance of the Eucharist: faith, CINTA, desire, and CHANGE.

Iman, who is one of the largest gift from pembabtisan and many of our spiritual life, nature is much needed for a reception of communion seriously. The life of faith, believe in the love given by the Trinity Mahakudus on each man as an individual. Faith is owned by St. Augustine membimbingnya to say, "Tuham care of each menusia as He is, and to all mankind as a unity" Jesus loves us so that His death and the afterlife, he still continue to provide his own self to us in the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist.

Catherine encourages us to a faith that Jesus is total trust and that Jesus is really present in the sacrament Terberkati. He really wanted to unite with us so that we can live together with Him. We must believe. "And if we do not believe, that our faith becomes weak and small, what next?" ask Catherine. We must pray so that each communion we receive the Holy akan increase our faith.

Faith to guide us to CINTA, the quality of the second. We are all created to love and to beloved. When we see how much God loves us, the responses are only able to give us his well-loved with our whole hearts. He always wanted to with us, and live in us.

The best way to realize our love of God is to love a fellow human way. Eucharist is the real existence of God to love people. Fruit of the receipt of Holy communion deepen our love for God and each other.

Third nature that we need is desire. Catherine said, our actions as a human being has limits, but our desire is not limited. We can, and should want the Lord, because He wanted us. If we do not expect much from the Holy communion, we also will not receive many. Everyone receives the same amount, but some people will grow kerohaniannya, while the other does not. Catherine explains that this depends on the desire of each person to God. We can wish, and accept, this is the perfection of God!

Terdalam desire comes from our hearts the Holy Spirit, Catherine wants us to give up desire to do good, the Spirit of grace, purity, and unity with God. Determine the completeness spiritual yearning in Holy communion. The desire of the Lord will direct all our actions to honor and glory to Him, not only at the time of Misa, but also at any time in our lives every day.

Three nature requires that the nature of the first four: CHANGES continuously from sin and the tendency to sin to the truth in God. As we grow in love, and desire, the Spirit will reveal weaknesses or sins of us with more details. We see how much we need to change. The change is a process of growth, moving forward step for step. We leave our old way of life in the start and think and act like Jesus that we receive in Holy communion.

Candle of Faith

Catherine usually describe themselves in a simple, so that each person can understand himself. He uses the image depicts a candle in the attributes that are required to receive Holy communion. The candle light is a picture of the meaning for the people because every Catholic tarbenakel in the world marked with a candle that burned. (Sadly in most churches, candles have been replaced by electric lights)

Catherine emphasizes that wick candle must penetrate the center of the candle, if not then the candle will not burn perfectly. Firing stopped when sumbunya akan habis akan wax form or deform when sumbunya not straight. So, likewise with our faith, our faith must truly steady, consistent, and permeate into all aspects of our lives. Axis of faith permeate the middle of the candle of faith, so faith candle can ignite the fire with love.

Sin like water over a flame api.Di back warm light, there is death. The flame must be dried by repentant (conversion) because it has sinned, and through the recognition of sin. These changes bring the warmth of faith, love, and desire.

Catherine offers three ways to us to mengingkatkan qualities needed for a communion of the Holy helpful. Repentance sehinggat to cleanse us can see the sacrament Terberkati with eyes of faith, accept it with love, desire and feel the holy spirit.

People who love the Eucharist and attend Misa regularly, only to realize that the Holy Spirit desires that can drive our hearts against Jesus. For us that is not experienced in spiritual things like this, never too late to turn to the Holy Spirit in prayer. Hopefully everyone will be careful berdevosi on the Holy Eucharist, as the candle light in the altar, to spread Christ's light in the midst of the darkness of the world.

Preparation to receive Holy communion:

Prepare the hearts and pikiranmu convenience. What you think about before and during the Misa in progress at the time you want to run Holy communion and walk back to the place? What pikiranmu focus to Jesus?

1. Discard kelemahanmu and sins in mercy to the Heart of Jesus and the Eucharist.
2. Listen to the Word of God well when Misa.
3. Think about what is actually taking place: we are preparing ourselves to meet our Lord.
4. Expect to meet Jesus kebutuhanmu. Are you lonely, depression, hurt? Medium need a friend? Jesus can meet all our needs.
5. Ask for a special gift to Jesus that you need to do on that day: patience, trust, courage or magnanimity.
6. Take enough time to thank mengucap after we receive the Lord.
7. Ciptakanlah the spiritual life throughout the day through communion.
8. Read the Word of God during the Eucharist.

Source: Garabandal, Jul-Sept'08
Penterjemah: Tula Sufenty

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